Intramural Sports Eligibility

  • Intramurals is open to all full-time students, faculty & staff, and spouses of Lindsey Wilson College affiliated personnel as long as the participant holds a valid LWC ID card, or a valid driver's license.

  • Faculty and Staff include those who are employed by Lindsey Wilson College as either full-time or part-time. All Faculty and Staff must have a valid LWC ID card and have access to the Holloway Health and Wellness Center to participate in Intramurals. Spouses of Faculty/Staff of Lindsey Wilson College may also participate in Intramurals, but must also have a valid LWC ID card and access to the Holloway Health and Wellness Center for use of the recreational and gym facilities. Spouses must also be placed on the same roster as their LWC husband/wife; they may not stand alone on a roster.

  • All participants must show a valid LWC ID card prior to game time when checking in to the Intramural Supervisor(s) on staff. Any late arrival participants must also sign in and present a valid LWC ID card prior to entering the game. All faculty and staff are required to present a valid LWC ID card or another form of ID such as a driver's license. In Co-Rec events, spouses must present either a valid LWC ID card or a valid driver's license.

  • Participants may not play on more than one team per sport unless one of those teams is in a Co-Ed League offered within that sport.

  • All participants playing for a team must be on a team's roster prior to the game. Roster additions can be made daily and players are eligible to play if added before play begins. Players not on the team roster may be added by hand by the Intramural Supervisors, but the team risks forfeiting the game if that player is not on the roster or did not join before game time. Additions can be made up until tournament play begins. If a player has previously been placed on another roster, the player cannot participate on any other team.

  • Former professional athletes are ineligible in the sport of their profession and all related sports, but are eligible for all other non-related Intramural events.

  • Any player caught claiming a false ID will be suspended for that game and their next scheduled contest. Any second infraction on using a false ID will result in a player being suspended for the remainder of that season from all Intramural sports. Using the ID of another person or allowing another person to use their ID to falsely claim themselves as that participant is illegal, and risks not only forfeiting their season, but also the player whose identification was attempted to be used.

  • The Intramural Program reserves the right to investigate the eligibility of all participants. If a player is deemed ineligible this may result in forfeiture of games and/or suspension or removal of a team and/or its participants.

  • Participants are encouraged to notify the Intramural Office and submit a protest concerning possible ineligible participants.

  • Alumni are NOT eligible to participate in any intramural events, unless those alumni are now LWC staff members.