Middle Grades Education, 5-9
BA - Program Requirements
Curtis Lee, Ph.D., Dean, School of Professional Studies
Sumner Campus Ministry Center
(270) 384-7322 leec@lindsey.edu
Jennifer Antoniotti-Neal, Ed.D., Director of Education
Program Coordinator
Goodhue Academic Center, Room 102
(270) 384-8135 nealj@lindsey.edu
Unit Mission Statement
The mission of the education program is to prepare candidates in a Christian learning environment with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to be successful, reflective teacher-leaders in the 21st century.
Middle grades education 5-9 is a teacher education program designed to prepare candidates to teach middle school in grades 5-9. Lindsey Wilson College offers programs in four academic emphasis areas including English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Graduation Requirements
Some courses taken for the major will simultaneously fulfill general education requirements. Please see the Graduation Requirements (bachelor’s degrees) section of this catalog for information on the general education program.
Entrance Criteria
As part of the admission criteria for the education program, candidates must have completed the following required courses with a grade of C or higher:
- Public Speaking (COMM 2103) or equivalent transfer course for Demonstration of Communication competency;
- Writing Studies I (ENGL 1013), unless waiver requirements are met, Writing Studies II (ENGL 1023), or equivalent transfer course for Demonstration of Communication competency; and
- General education mathematics course as determined by the candidate’s general education program and academic emphasis area(s).
Program Requirements
Lindsey Wilson College offers two options for middle grades certification. Candidates may choose two academic emphasis areas (recommended), or candidates may choose only one area of emphasis. Required number of credit hours for each academic emphasis area may vary, depending on the content area. If two academic emphasis areas are chosen, students may exceed the total hours required for graduation.
Along with the general education requirements, the major’s prerequisites, and its professional education requirements, students must select one or two academic emphasis areas and complete the requirements for the chosen area(s).
A. Prerequisites
- Principles of Psychology (PSYC 1003) is a prerequisite for EDUC 3123, EDUC 3143, and EDUC 3303 – 3 hours
- Writing Studies I (ENGL 1013) is a prerequisite for ENGL 2103 and ENGL 2203, unless waiver requirements are met – 3 hours
- Writing Studies II (ENGL 1023) is a prerequisite for ENGL 2703 and ENGL 4503 – 3 hours
- Literary Interpretation (ENGL 2103) or World Literature (ENGL 2203) is a prerequisite for 3000-4000 level English literature courses – 3 hours
- College Algebra (MATH 1013) or a minimum ACT mathematics subscore of 26 or equivalent is a prerequisite for BIOL 1214, CHEM 1214, MATH 1124, and MATH 2153 – 3 hours
- Precalculus (MATH 1124) is a prerequisite for PHYS 2114 – 4 hours
B. Academic Emphasis Area(s) – Select one or two of the following areas (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies):
1 – English Language Arts Requirements (double emphasis areas): 24 hours
- Literature for Grades 5-9 (EDUC 3313) – 3 hours
- Literary Interpretation (ENGL 2103) – 3 hours
- World Literature (ENGL 2203) – 3 hours
- Introduction to Modern English Grammar (ENGL 2703) – 3 hours
- Ethnic Literature (ENGL 3063) – 3 hours
- American Literature I (ENGL 3113) or American Lit II (ENGL 3123) – 3 hours
- British Literature I (ENGL 3213) or British Literature II (ENGL 3223) – 3 hours
- Advanced Writing (ENGL 4503) – 3 hours
or English Language Arts Requirements (single emphasis area): 36 hours
- Complete the requirements listed above in #1 – 24 hours
- Select an additional 12 hours of 3000-4000 level ENGL courses approved by the advisor.
2 – Mathematics Requirements (double emphasis areas): 26 hours
Note: A student with College Algebra and Trigonometry skills may elect to enroll in MATH 2315 and MATH 2325.
- Precalculus (MATH 1124) – 4 hours
- Finite Mathematics (MATH 2153) – 3 hours
- Introduction to Statistics (MATH 2203) – 3 hours
- Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (MATH 2213) – 3 hours
- Analytic Geometry & Calculus I (MATH 2315) – 5 hours
- Discrete Mathematics (MATH 2503) – 3 hours
- Geometry (MATH 3113) – 3 hours
- Choose two courses from the following:
- Mathematics & Technology (MATH 2301) – 1 hour
- History’s Great Problems (MATH 3121) – 1 hour
- History’s Great Mathematicians (MATH 3131) – 1 hour
- Mathematics Education I (MATH 3151) – 1 hour
- Mathematics Education II (MATH 3161) – 1 hour
or Mathematics Requirements (single emphasis area): 36 hours
- Complete the requirements listed above in #2 – 26 hours
- Analytical Geometry & Calculus II (MATH 2325) – 5 hours
- Select an additional 5 hours of 3000-4000 level MATH courses approved by the advisor.
3 – Science Requirements (double emphasis areas): 28 hours
- Introduction to Cellular Biology (BIOL 1204) – 4 hours
- Introduction to Biodiversity (BIOL 1214) – 4 hours
- Biology electives – 4 hours
- Earth Science (PHSC 1204) – 4 hours
- Select one of the following groups:
- Introduction to Physical Science (PHSC 1104) – 4 hours
- General Chemistry I with Lab (CHEM 1214) – 4 hours
- General Chemistry II with Lab (CHEM 1224) – 4 hours
- General Chemistry I with Lab (CHEM 1214) – 4 hours
- College Physics I (PHYS 2114) – 4 hours
- College Physics II (PHYS 2124) – 4 hours
- General Chemistry I with Lab (CHEM 1214) – 4 hours
- Introduction to Physical Science (PHSC 1104) – 4 hours
- College Physics I (PHYS 2114) – 4 hours
or Science Requirements (single emphasis area): 37-40 hours
- Complete the requirements listed above in #3 – 28 hours
- Select an additional 9-12 hours of 3000-4000 level science courses approved by the advisor.
4 – Social Studies Requirements (double emphasis areas): 24 hours
- Principles of Sociology (SOCI 1003) – 3 hours
- United States Government (POSC 1003) – 3 hours
- World Regional Geography (GEOG 1003) – 3 hours
- U.S. History: 1492 to 1865 (HIST 1033) – 3 hours
- U.S. History: 1865 to Present (HIST 1043) – 3 hours
- Survey of Economic Issues (ECON 2023) – 3 hours
- World Civilization I: Prehistory to 1500 (HIST 2233) – 3 hours
- World Civilization II: 1500 to Present (HIST 2243) – 3 hours
or Social Studies Requirements (single emphasis area): 36 hours
- Complete the requirements listed above in #4 – 24 hours
- Select an additional 12 hours of 3000-4000 level social science courses approved by the advisor.
C. Professional Preparation – Education: 45 hours
- The Teaching Profession (EDUC 2123) – 3 hours
- Introduction to Educational Technology (EDUC 2713) – 3 hours
- Principles of Lifelong Learning (EDUC 3123) – 3 hours
- The Exceptional Learner (EDUC 3143) – 3 hours
- Adolescent Psychology (EDUC 3303) – 3 hours
- Fundamentals of Elementary & Middle Grades Education (EDUC 3413) – 3 hours
- Reading & Writing in the Content Areas 5-9, 8-12 & P-12 (EDUC 3523) – 3 hours
- Measurement & Assessment in Education (EDUC 4103) – 3 hours
- Curriculum & Methodology in the Middle Grades (EDUC 4333) – 3 hours
- Classroom Management P-5 & P-12 (EDUC 4263) – 3 hours
- Supervised Student Teaching (EDUC 4600) – 12 hours
- Practicum (EDUC 4603) – 3 hours
Note: Student teaching candidates must pay a $155 student teaching fee.
Exit Assessment
Graduation requirements for candidates are as follows:
- Minimum 2.75 Cumulative GPA;
- Minimum 2.75 Content/Emphasis Area GPA;
- Minimum 2.75 Professional Education GPA;
- Passing of the appropriate Praxis Principles of Teaching and Learning (PTL) exam and the appropriate content exam(s) as required by state regulation;
- Successful completion of all program requirements and assessments;
- Successful completion of Supervised Student Teaching (EDUC 4600), including all course requirements with positive evaluations; and
- Successful completion of Stage III Exit Portfolio.