International Students
Lindsey Wilson College is a true global village. More than
100 international students from over 30 different countries attend
Lindsey Wilson. Nearly 40 percent of LWC's student
body identifies as an ethnicity other than Caucasian.
For this reason, Lindsey Wilson is an ideal place for international
students to interact with cultures from all over the
world. LWC also has a formal exchange program with
schools in Japan, Northern Ireland, and South Korea. Every
year several students come from these sister schools to
study at LWC for either a semester or one year while pursuing
their degrees at their home universities.
Choose the type of degree you plan to pursue:
For all international students admitted to LWC in "F-1 student status".
Use the ISA HUB for valuable resources available to you as well as how to apply
for certain benefits (if eligible) while enrolled at LWC as well as post-graduation!
International Student Affairs Hub