Students With Disabilities
Lindsey Wilson College accepts students with disabilities and provides reasonable accommodation that will facilitate success. Depending on the nature of the disability, some students may need to take a lighter course load and may need more than four years to graduate. New students needing accommodation should apply to the college as early as possible, usually before May 15 for the fall semester, October 1 for the spring semester, and March 1 for the summer term. Immediately after acceptance, students are encouraged to identify and document the nature of their disabilities with the ADA Coordinator. It is the responsibility of the student to provide the ADA coordinator with appropriate materials documenting the disability. Disabilities are typically documented by a recent high school Individualized Education Program (IEP) and results from testing conducted by a psychologist, psychiatrist, or a qualified, licensed person. The college does not provide assessment services for students who may be disabled. Although Lindsey Wilson College provides limited personal counseling for all students, the college does not have structured programs available for students with emotional or behavioral disabilities. For more information, contact the ADA Coordinator at 270-384-7479 or email