Media Studies
Course Descriptions
There are no MEST-prefixed courses. Instead, courses for the media studies major are drawn from our ART, COMM, and JRNL offerings. The applicable course descriptions appear below.
ART 1214 – Beginning Studio: Drawing – 4 credit hours
Develops observational skills and explores a variety of drawing media and subject matter. Students will become familiar with traditional and contemporary drawing applications while formulating inquiries for personalized artistic expression. ($40 lab fee) Course rotation: Typically each semester.
ART 2164 – Design & Color – 4 credit hours
An introduction to basic principles and concepts related to color and two- and three-dimensional forms. Students will develop creative problem solving skills by analyzing the properties and functions of various hands-on design applications. (400 lab fee) Course rotation: Typically each semester.
ART 2623 – Computer Graphics I – 3 credit hours
This course is an introduction to the creation of art within a digital environment. Students investigate basic digital illustration techniques, image manipulation, principles of graphic design, and other digital image editing software applications. The course includes structured lessons and creative projects. Prerequisite: ART 2164.
ART 3633 – Computer Graphics II – 3 credit hours
Explores processes related to commercial graphic arts, industry practices, advanced digital image editing, as well as creative projects in digital format. Topics include design, layout, typography, and other digital media applications. Prerequisite: ART 2623.
ART 3643 – Digital Video Arts – 3 credit hours
Investigates digital applications through small format video production, digital sound environments, advanced 2-D and 3-D digital imaging, animation, and advanced creative design principles. Prerequisite: ART 3633.
ART PN01-03 – Art Internship – 1-3 credit hours
Art Internships offer an opportunity to apply the skills and understandings learned in the Art art major in a professional setting. Interns will work closely with an art instructor and an on-site professional supervisor. Students arrange their own internships with the assistance and approval of their internship instructor. Grading: Credit/No Credit. Prerequisites: Junior standing and completion of core program requirements.
COMM 1003 – Principles of Communication – 3 credit hours
Designed to introduce core concepts in the discipline of communication and to demonstrate applications in professional and relational contexts.
COMM 3113 – Public Relations Principles & Practices – 3 credit hours
Students will learn how information moves inside and outside organizations and how this information can be used to contribute to organizational goals. For students considering careers in public relations, this course will provide initial communication planning and writing skills. For students interested in communication applications part of careers in other fields, this course will contribute to understanding communication applications in modern organizations.
COMM 3213 – Intermediate Public Relations – 3 credit hours
Helps students develop expanded skills in applying public relations principles and practices to case studies that reflect the realities of the profession today. As student skills expand, there will be some work with real companies as clients.
COMM 4113 – Advanced Public Relations – 3 credit hours
Assigned work groups will plan and execute public relations/communication strategies for area business organizations. These plans will be expected to provide measurable gains against client objectives. Students will be expected to demonstrate exceptional professionalism, as established in the course structure and content.
COMM 4203 – Crisis Communication – 3 credit hours
Communication strategies for dealing with crisis situations through prevention, readiness, and resolution of crisis situations will be developed.
COMM 4733 – Political Communication & Public Affairs – 3 credit hours
Study of communication issues related to interest group politics, including how interest groups use mass media to advance their public policy agendas. Citizen disengagement and the theory and practice of deliberative democracy are also emphasized.
COMM 4903 – Professional Internship in Communication – 3 credit hours
A student may elect to participate in a professional internship in a communication or communication-related field. The internship must involve a minimum of 120 clock hours per semester, for which at least 80 percent of the time at work involves activities that meaningfully contribute to the student’s professional development for a targeted career. The internship must be pre-approved and supervised by a communication program faculty member and comply with the program’s guidelines for professional internships. Grading: Credit/No Credit.
JRNL 1503 – Mass Media & Society – 3 credit hours
Examines the role and impact of the media on individuals and society. Topics include the historical development of the mass media, along with media effects, ethics, legal considerations, and the role of journalism in society. Students develop a deeper awareness of the media in their lives and a critical perspective to become more responsible consumers of information. Also listed as COMM 1503.
JRNL 2153 – Introduction to Photography – 3 credit hours
Introduces the fundamentals of digital photography in both artistic and media contexts. Through the study of cameras, light, composition, and image manipulation, students learn the processes and aesthetic values needed to produce quality images. A hands-on approach allows students to explore their creativity through a series of projects. Also listed as ART 2153. Course rotation: Fall and spring.
JRNL 2403 – Media Writing & Reporting – 3 credit hours
An introduction to the fundamentals of journalism. Emphasis is on the reporting, writing, and editing of stories for the print, online, and broadcast media. Specific topics include interviewing, story structure and development, media style, ethics, and legal considerations. Prerequisite: ENGL 1013, unless waiver requirements are met, or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Fall.
JRNL 3103 – Community Reporting – 3 credit hours
Students develop advanced skills in reporting and writing on events and issues that affect their communities. Topics include coverage of government, crime, courts, and social events. A hands-on approach is stressed. Projects are critiqued in a workshop setting. Prerequisite: JRNL 2403 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Spring of odd years.
JRNL 3203 – Editing & Media Management – 3 credit hours
Designed for writers, journalists, and other communication professionals by providing advanced instruction in publication editing and design. Topics include matters of style, copy editing, and proofreading in print and electronic environments. Other topics include publication management, ethics, and legal considerations. A hands-on approach is stressed in a workshop setting. Prerequisite: ENGL 1023 or JRNL 2403. Course rotation: Spring of even years.
JRNL 3213 – Magazine & Feature Writing – 3 credit hours
The focus is on writing feature stories for magazine, newspaper, and creative nonfiction audiences. Genres include personality profiles, human interest features, travel writing, and creative nonfiction. A hands-on approach allows exploration of creativity through a series of exercises and projects. Prerequisite: JRNL 2403 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Spring of even years.
JRNL 3413 – Interactive Media Design – 3 credit hours
Examination and application of the theories, skills, and techniques used in digital storytelling and interactive media. Through a series of hands-on projects, students explore creative applications of interactive media through the integration of text, photographs, graphics, audio, and video. Also listed as ART 3413. Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Fall of odd years.
JRNL 4401 – Topics in Journalism – 1 credit hour
Explores a chosen topic related to journalism or the mass media, such as documentaries, technology, economics, ethics, or literary journalism. Prerequisite: JRNL 2403 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: As needed.
JRNL 4123 – Broadcast Journalism – 3 credit hours
Emphasizes the theories, skills, and techniques used in the wiring, production, and presentation of news in a digital media environment. Topics include broadcast wording style, story structure, podcasting, digital audio and video production, and working as talent in front of a camera. A hands-on approach is stressed, allowing students to explore creativity through a series of projects. Prerequisites: JRNL 2403 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Spring of odd years.
JRNL 4403 – Communication Law & Ethics – 3 credit hours
Study focuses on media law and ethical considerations in the contemporary communication environment. Topics include the First Amendment, libel, invasion of privacy, information access, free press and fair trial considerations, obscenity, copyright, advertising, and telecommunication regulations. Also listed as COMM 4403.
JRNL 4901 – Media Studies Seminar – 1 credit hour
Combined with the experiential component of the media studies program, the seminar is a capstone course where students design, execute, and present a project appropriate to their emphasis in the media studies program. In addition, students create and evaluate a professional portfolio for future employment. Course rotation: Spring.
JRNL XNF1, JRNL XNS1 – Practicum: Student Media Productions – 1 credit hour
A practical application of skills, techniques, and critical thinking through work with campus media productions (Campus Courier newspaper and online journal). The course may be repeated up to six hours to satisfy capstone requirements for the journalism emphasis or repeated for three hours and combined with JRNL PN03 (Journalism Internship). Prerequisite: JRNL 2403 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: XNF1 fall and XNS1 spring.
JRNL PN03 – Journalism Internship – 3 credit hours
Students gain practical experience in a professional media setting. Internships are arranged by students with the assistance and approval of an internship advisor. Grading: Credit/No Credit. Prerequisite: Junior standing and grades of C or better in twelve hours of JRNL courses. Course rotation: As needed.