
BA - Program Requirements

Mark L. McKinnon, Ph.D., Dean, School of Mathematics & Sciences

Jim & Helen Lee Fugitte Science Center, Room 323

(270) 384-8092       


William Neace, Ph.D., Program Coordinator

Jim & Helen Lee Fugitte Science Center, Room 316

(270) 384-8080       


Full-time program faculty: Brittany Barnett, M.S.; Greg Denke, Ph.D.; Jordan E. Greenburg, Ph.D.; William Neace, Ph.D.

Mission Statement

The mission of the psychology program is to prepare students for graduate and professional study in a variety of fields related to human behavior.


The Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology is designed to help students develop a theoretical and applied understanding of individual and social behavior. The program offers courses for majors and non-majors. The courses emphasize writing, research, and critical-thinking skills necessary for a liberally educated person to function in a dynamic, changing world.


A psychology degree prepares students for graduate training in areas such as clinical, counseling, experimental, and social psychology. Additionally, a psychology degree is appropriate for students who plan to enter business or social services, or it can also serve as preparation for post-baccalaureate work in professions such as social work, theology, business administration, or law. Students with an interest in psychology but who have career aspirations elsewhere often choose a major in another field and minor in psychology.

Graduation Requirements

Some courses taken for the major may simultaneously fulfill general education requirements.  Please see the Graduation Requirements (bachelor’s degrees) section of this catalog for information on the general education program.

Students should note that the major provides only 36 hours of the required 39 hours of 3000-4000 level coursework, therefore students will need to complete additional 3000-4000 level coursework to meet this requirement.

Entrance Criteria

Students who wish to major in psychology must schedule an interview with the program coordinator to discuss program requirements and to select a psychology advisor.

Program Requirements: 39-42 hours

Along with the general education program, students must complete the major’s prerequisites and core requirements and must select program electives as indicated.


Program Requirements: 39-42 hours

Along with the general education program, students must complete the major’s prerequisites and core requirements and must select program electives as indicated.


A.        Prerequisites: 3-6 hours

  • Principles of Psychology (PSYC 1003) is a prerequisite for all PSYC courses – 3  hours
  • College Algebra (MATH 1013)   or  a minimum ACT mathematics subscore of 26 or equivalent is a prerequisite for PSYC 4703 – 3 hours 

B.        Core Requirements: 27 hours

  • Theories of Personality (PSYC 3203) – 3 hours
  • Social Psychology (PSYC 3403) – 3 hours
  • Cognitive Psychology (PSYC 3503) – 3 hours
  • Behavioral Analysis (PSYC 3603) – 3 hours
  • Developmental Psychology (PSYC 3903) – 3 hours
  • Physiological Psychology (PSYC 4403) – 3 hours
  • History & Issues of Psychology (PSYC 4503) – 3 hours
  • Research Methods & Statistics I (PSYC 4703) – 3 hours
  • Research Methods & Statistics II (PSYC 4903) – 3 hours 

C.        Program Electives (select from the following): 9 hours

  • Animal Behavior (BIOL 3513) – 3 hours
  • Nonverbal Communication (COMM 3203) – 3 hours
  • Group Communication & Decision Making (COMM 3303) – 3 hours
  • Persuasion (COMM 4723) – 3 hours
  • Adolescent Psychology (EDUC 3303) – 3 hours
  • Introduction to Counseling Theory (HS 2903) – 3 hours
  • Ethics & Multicultural Diversity (HS 4253) – 3 hours
  • Substance Abuse (HS 4343) – 3 hours
  • Psychopathology (PSYC 3033) – 3 hours
  • Special Topics (PSYC 3803) – 3 hours
  • Special Topics (PSYC 4803) – 3 hours

Exit Assessment

All students design and conduct an individual research project.  They present the results of their research during a symposium at the end of the spring semester; they also write up the results of their project as an APA-formatted research paper.

Recommended Minor

A minor is strongly recommended.  Courses taken for a minor reduce the number of general electives a student must take.