Recreation, Tourism & Sport Management

Course Descriptions

RTSM 2013 – Introduction to Recreation, Tourism & Sport Management – 3 credit hours

Introduction to the professional fields in recreation and leisure by presenting the basic principles, fundamentals, and concepts as related to such factors as history and objectives, sociological and economic aspects, as well as motivation and barriers to participation. Knowledge, attitude awareness, and resources needed to work with diverse populations. Additionally provides an introduction to communication tools necessary for RTSM professionals such as email, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc. Focus on effective written and oral communication.


RTSM 2103 – Leadership & Diversity in RTSM – 3 credit hours

Students will examine and practice leadership techniques and group dynamics in RTSM programming. Application of these techniques and concepts will be examined specific to minority status, gender, youth-at-risk, senior citizens, and people with disabilities. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2013.


RTSM 2403 – Principles of Tourism – 3 credit hours

Survey of travel and tourism worldwide with focus on terminology, demographics, financial significance, and trends. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2013. Course rotation: Fall.


RTSM 2603 – Principles of Sport Management – 3 credit hours

Development of a conceptual understanding of sport management, career opportunities in sport management, and the necessary competencies for the different career fields. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2013.


RTSM 3103 – Recreation & Sport Facility Management – 3 credit hours

Management and design principles applied to park, recreation, and sport areas and facilities. Emphasis on operational efficiency, quality service, fiscal responsibility, and maintenance management. Additional emphasis on physical accessibility of facilities. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2013.


RTSM 3303 – Recreation Programming – 3 credit hours

Theoretical and applied approaches to the recreation program planning process. Basic elements of programming using a variety of recreational settings and diversity of practical experience. Prerequisites: ENGL 1023 and minimum grade of C in RTSM 2013.


RTSM 3503 – Outdoor Living Skills – 3 credit hours

Designed to acquaint students with basic outdoor living skills and related environmental practices. A variety of outdoor activities, including overnight camping trips, are required. Course rotation: Fall.


RTSM 3513 – Outdoor Recreation Management – 3 credit hours

Examines the outdoor recreation movement in America and its impact on natural resources. Reviews relationships between changing public demand and the many agencies involved in supplying outdoor recreation. Concepts and methods of outdoor recreation planning and management explored with emphasis on visitor and wildlife management. Current issues relative to recreation provision are identified and debated.


RTSM 3613 – Research & Evaluation in RTSM – 3 credit hours

Overview of research and evaluation methods as applied to recreation, tourism, and sport management services. Topics will include needs assessment and program and service evaluation. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2013.


RTSM 3633 – Coaching Ethics & Strategies – 3 hours

Focuses on competitive coaching with an emphasis on various NCAA and NAIA policies as well as on the strengths, weaknesses, and ethical considerations of various coaching styles.  Prerequisite: RTSM 2603 or instructor’s permission.

RTSM 3713 – Sport Marketing – 3 credit hours

Evaluation of sport and marketing, including applications of mainstream marketing which include a historical overview of sport marketing, collegiate and professional sporting events, commercial and public organizations, sporting goods, and the sport enterprise. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2603 or instructor’s permission.


RTSM 3803 – Special Topics in RTSM – 3 credit hours

Presentation and discussion of relevant issues in recreation, tourism & sport management. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Fall and spring.


RTSM 3901 – Pre-internship Seminar – 1 credit hour

Review of philosophy and professional ethics of recreation, tourism, and sport management. Self assessment of student’s strengths, limitations, and career aspirations. Preparation of reference files, letters, and resumes. Identification of and application to program-approved agencies for completion of internship. Prerequisites: RTSM 2103, RTSM 2403, RTSM 2603, and RTSM 3303.


RTSM 4102 – Senior RTSM Seminar – 2 credit hours

Integration of knowledge, theory, and methods from coursework and experience; development and presentation of comprehensive operational and management problems and plans. Designed to encourage students to function as professionals and to relate areas of specialty to the broader recreation, tourism and sport management profession. Prerequisite: Senior standing or instructor’s permission.


RTSM 4203 – Park & Open Space Planning & Design – 3 credit hours

This course will familiarize students with the basic principles of planning and design of outdoor recreation and park facilities. The course reviews the importance of an environmental and social ethic in planning and design, the process and products, and how planning and design of a place can influence people. Students should complete the course having gained knowledge that will help them to contribute to a planning or design process and be able to critically examine various types of plans and designs.


RTSM 4303 – Professional Event Management – 3 credit hours

Students acquire an in-depth knowledge about the field of event management. Planning techniques, strategies, and requirements for planning, implementing, and evaluating community events are included. Emphasizes ordinances, planning, funding, and marketing. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 3303. Course rotation: Fall.


RTSM 4403 – Tourism Destination Management – 3 credit hours

This course examines the functions of community tourism management. Examines management strategies and methods to fund, operate, and promote a tourism destination to meet the needs of the community, local service providers, and potential visitors. Includes consideration of environmental and resource requirements as well as tourism’s social and cultural ramifications. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2403.


RTSM 4503 – Adventure-Based Recreation – 3 credit hours

Acquaints students with basic adventure-based outdoor activities and related environmental practices. A variety of outdoor activities, including an overnight camping trip, are conducted in the classroom and surrounding areas. Course fee will apply. Prerequisite: RTSM 3503.


RTSM 4603 – Athletic Administration – 3 credit hours

Provides overview of the area of athletics administration for scholastic and collegiate settings. This course covers many areas from staffing and recruiting to fund-raising. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2603.

RTSM 4703 – Sport Law – 3 credit hours

An overview of legal issues that impact sports. An examination of various aspects of the legal system and how it relates to the management and supervision of sport and recreation programs. Topics include but are not limited to risk management, negligence, contract law, civil law, Title IX, the ADA, waivers, and more. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RTSM 2603 or instructor’s permission.


RTSM 4803 – Special Topics Course – 3 credit hours

Presentation and discussion of relevant issues in recreation, tourism & sport management. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.


RTSM 4903 – RTSM Internship – 3 credit hours

Provides prospective RTSM professionals a 400-hour (ten-week) learning experience in a selected agency or organization, under the joint supervision of a qualified manager and an RTSM program supervisor. Grading: Credit/No Credit. Prerequisites: RTSM 3901, senior standing, and program coordinator’s permission.