
Course Descriptions

SPAN 1013 – Elementary Spanish I – 3 credit hours

Development of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and culture. Communicative skills will be emphasized. Restricted to students with limited to no proficiency in the language.


SPAN 1023 – Elementary Spanish II – 3 credit hours

Continued development of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and culture. Communicative skills will be emphasized. Prerequisite: SPAN 1013 or placement test score or instructor’s permission.


SPAN 2033 – Intermediate Spanish I – 3 credit hours

First-semester intermediate level review and continued development of the four language skills taught through and/or accompanied by a study of culture. Communicative skills will be emphasized. Prerequisite: SPAN 1023 or placement test score or instructor’s permission.


SPAN 2043 – Intermediate Spanish II – 3 credit hours

Second-semester intermediate level review and continued development of the four language skills taught through and/or accompanied by a study of culture. Communicative skills will be emphasized. Prerequisite: SPAN 2033 or placement test score or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Spring every three years.


SPAN 3013 – Spanish Conversation – 3 credit hours

Designed to improve oral proficiency. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 2033 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Spring every three years.


SPAN 3033 – Latin American Culture & Civilization – 3 credit hours

A study of Latin American civilization and culture through the analysis of the arts, music, geography, politics, and history. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 2033 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Fall every three years.


SPAN 3053 – Spanish Translation – 3 credit hours

This course gives students the opportunity to improve their Spanish language skills, hone their translation ability (from Spanish to English as well as from English to Spanish), and increase their cultural awareness. Prerequisite: SPAN 2033 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Fall every three years.


SPAN 3103 – Introduction to Hispanic Literature – 3 credit hours

Introduces the student to a wide array of Hispanic literature, from both Spain as well as Latin America, which includes narrative, poetry, dramas, and essays. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 2033 or instructor’s permission. Course rotation: Fall every three years.

SPAN 3133 – Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language – 3 credit hours

This course provides a comprehensive overview of teaching Spanish as a foreign language and effective strategies and techniques to the fundamentals of second language acquisition.  Designed for those who either are presently or will be teaching Spanish to SSL students in the classroom.  Prospective Spanish teachers learn practical applications and various teaching strategies based on Spanish as Second Language principles.  This course provides guidelines for planning lessons, developing activities, and effective methods for correcting student errors.  Prerequisite: SPAN 2043 or instructor’s permission.

SPAN 3153 – Second Language Acquisition: Spanish – 3 credit hours

This course introduces students to the field of second language acquisition (SLA), which is a discipline focused on how humans learn additional languages after they have learned their first; factors that contribute to the variability observed in rates and outcomes; and what it takes to attain advanced academic language and literary competencies in a language other than the mother language.  Prerequisite: SPAN 2043 or instructor’s permission.

SPAN 3803 – Special Topics in Spanish – 3 credit hours

An advanced study of special topics in literature or culture in Spain and/or Latin America. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 2033 or instructor’s permission.

SPAN 4033 – Introduction to Spanish Linguistics – 3 credit hours

This course is an introduction to the main concepts and methods of analysis of linguistics, focusing on Spanish.  Students in this course will become familiar with the basics of several key areas of language study including the formation and organization of sounds, words, and sentences; semantics and pragmatics; language acquisition; social and contextual variation; and language change.  Prerequisite: SPAN 2043 or instructor’s permission.

SPAN 4053 – Spanish Phonetics & Pronunciation – 3 credit hours

This course offers a comprehensive review of the pronunciation of Spanish.  The fundamental principles of phonetic analysis are introduced in a simple and concise manner in order to show how Spanish sounds are produced, how they fall into patterns, and how they change in different environments.  Major attention is devoted to practice with corrective exercises, introductory training phonetic transcription, and, to a lesser extent, the problems of teaching pronunciation.  Throughout the course we will focus on the contrast between the Spanish and the English patterns, an aspect intended to help students understand the major phonetic differences between both languages and at the same time improve their Spanish pronunciation.  This course will also include a brief introduction to Spanish syllable structure, stress, and intonational patterns.  Finally, there will be a brief survey of the major differences in pronunciation across dialects.  Prerequisite: SPAN 2043 or instructor’s permission.

SPAN 4103 – Advanced Grammar & Composition – 3 credit hours

Designed to improve proficiency in all four language skills with an emphasis on grammar.  Conducted in Spanish.  Prerequisite: SPAN 2033 or instructor’s permission.  Course rotation: Spring every three years.


SPAN 3000-4000 – Study Abroad – 1-6 credit hours

Students may take courses offered by other accredited colleges, or by Lindsey Wilson College, if available, for 1-6 credit hours toward Spanish minor. Offers students the opportunity to travel to a Spanish-speaking country and to be immersed by language and culture. Prerequisites: Permission of the program coordinator and pre-approval by the Registrar’s Office.


SPAN 4901 – Spanish Seminar – 1 credit hour

A capstone course that gives students the opportunity to integrate and demonstrate the skills they have learned in prior Spanish courses, particularly those skills related to effective and confident communication in both written and spoken Spanish, along with an increased understanding of Hispanic cultures.  This course is to be taken in the last year of a student’s major/minor, in conjunction with an approved 3000-4000 level Spanish course.  Over the course of the semester, students will complete a substantive, research-supported project in the target language that accompanies the approved 3000-4000 level course.