Lindsey Wilson College Will Transition all Coursework to an Online Instruction Format For Two Weeks Citing Concerns Over COVID-19
COLUMBIA, KY. -- Lindsey Wilson College is transitioning face-to-face classes to an online course delivery format for two weeks beginning Monday, March 16, in response to the spread of the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
According to LWC President William T. Luckey Jr., the transition, that will begin immediately following spring break, is expected to last through Sunday, March 29. Students are encouraged to remain at their permanent residence and to practice social distancing during this time period.
No coronavirus cases have been confirmed at Lindsey Wilson College, in Columbia, Ky., or in any of the surrounding communities.
“After extensive monitoring of the coronavirus pandemic, it is with an abundance of caution that Lindsey Wilson College has decided to suspend face-to-face instruction on the main campus in Columbia, Ky., as well as at all of our extended campus locations,” said Luckey. “Our number one priority is the health and safety of the Lindsey Wilson College family. With the continued increase in confirmed cases globally and the opportunity for communal spreading of the virus, transitioning our classes to an online format is the most prudent course of action. Our focus is on using social distancing to minimize the spread of the virus while continuing to offer a seamless and meaningful instructional experience for our students.”
In addition, Luckey says, it is essential that students continue coursework via the virtual learning environment.
According to LWC Vice President of Academic Affairs Trish Parrish, the infrastructure is already in place for every class offered at the college to be delivered online.
“All students have access to their courses in Blackboard,” Parrish said. “Every class already exists online regardless of delivery mode. Students are accustomed to accessing coursework this way. LWC will provide training and support should they have questions or encounter problems. We will work with students to ensure they remain successful.”
Students will receive updates about any adjustments to courses, labs, clinicals or student teaching arrangements.
Students are encouraged to remain at home during the two weeks following spring break. Housing will continue to be available in limited circumstances for domestic and international students with no other viable option.
Students who need to return to campus to pick up essential belongings or materials for coursework will have until 4 p.m. CT on Tuesday, March 17. If students have questions or need alternate arrangements, contact Residence Life at 270-384-7480 or email
Faculty and staff are encouraged to work remotely while essential personnel will work as needed on the main campus. Campus services will remain available. Students are encouraged to call or email if they have questions.
All non-essential college travel has been suspended until further notice.
The Doris and Bob Holloway Health & Wellness Center will close on Monday, March 16 and is expected to reopen on Monday, March 30.
Campus events and activities, including athletic events, are canceled from March 16 through March 29. There could also be changes to events scheduled after that date. Follow LWC on Facebook to see additional closings and cancelations.
This is an evolving situation. The Lindsey Wilson College task force for COVID-19 will continue to monitor the situation and adjust plans accordingly for students, faculty, and staff moving forward. Further communication will be available at and by email to the LWC community.
Additional Resources...
- For more information regarding Lindsey Wilson's response to COVID-19/Coronavirus, go here:
- For a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the transition of classroom instruction to online instruction, go here:
- For more information about COVID-19 prevention and treatment, go here: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- For more information about COVID-19 in Kentucky, go here: Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
- Go back to the LWC homepage.