

The purpose of the Lindsey Wilson College music minor is to provide professional education and instruction in music to students. The music minor is designed to help students grow in basic musicianship, understanding of musical concepts, developing aesthetic values, and acquiring a conceptual understanding of musical properties and their interrelationships.

Students majoring in another area may desire to minor in music with an emphasis on performance to further diversity their liberal arts education. The music minor program is a resource for those seeking a comprehensive music education and for all who wish to enrich their lives through involvement in music. The academic purpose is to advance the college's mission by providing undergraduate professional training in music and in music as a liberal art.

By these means, the music program provides artistic and cultural enrichment for the college and the surrounding communities. Additionally, the program works to preserve artistic heritage and to facilitate new creative expressions.


2024-25 Academic Year (Columbia Campus)
  • Per Hour Charge : $1,146